Collection: Serums

If your skincare routine only consists of cleansing, moisturizing and sunscreen protection —you are missing a key component that could make a huge difference in the health and vitality of your skin - nourishment.

Serums are not meant to replace your moisturizer. Instead, adding a serum or an essence to your daily skincare regimen can not only give your skin that extra shot of hydration it needs, but can also help address specific skincare concerns such as blemishes, redness, wrinkles and fine lines. 

Unlike a regular moisturizer, serums feature a lipid-soluble base which allows the concentrated formula of active ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin barrier, making them more potent and effective. Serums are particularly suited to this task because they are made of small or nano molecules that are absorbed deeply into the epidermal layers to deliver a very high concentration of powerful active ingredients to address a variety of skin issues. 

Always apply a serum directly to your skin after cleansing or toning and before your moisturizer and sunscreen.